If you are looking for RootsMagic Essentials vs RootsMagic 8 then you have absolutely come to the right place. Here, you will find the amazing difference, so move ahead and check out which features make them different from each other.
RootsMagic Essentials vs RootsMagic 8
The difference between RootsMagic Essentials as well as RootsMagic 8 are described below:
RootsMagic Essentials | RootsMagic 8 |
Doesn’t offer free support | Offers free support |
Don’t have any database tools | Have database tool |
Don’t have the descendant view | Has descendant view up to 7 generations |
Don’t have a couple of list view | You can easily look for a couple of list view |
You cannot edit any person from the list of people | You can easily edit the person from the respective list of the people |
Doesn’t add latitude or longitude automatically | It automatically adds latitude as well as longitude |
You cannot fix broken media links | You can fix broken media links |
You cannot print large-format charts | You can easily print large-format charts |
Don’t share your data with FamilySearch | Share your data easily with FamilySearch |
Unable to publish the family tree online | Easily able to publish the family tree online |
Don’t merge duplicate address | Merge duplicate address |
Don’t have a map view feature | Has a map view feature |
Unable to sync between Ancestry and RootsMagic | Easily able to sync between Ancestry and RootsMagic |
Here is RootsMagic Essentials vs RootsMagic 8, Similarly, there are many more differences between them. In case of more details, you are free to contact the experts of RootsMagic and RootsMagic essentials. They are available 24/7, so you can reach them anytime you need quick guidelines related to their amazing features. Also, you can chat or contact our tech support for the same by calling on the toll-free number +1-888-652-9580.